In Bay St. George South, residents are facing the prospect of losing their land to wind turbines, proposed by the energy company World Energy. Angela Gill, Community Engagement Manager for World Energy, met with a resident, Brenda Kitchen, to discuss the plans and answer questions about the project.

While Ms. Gill expressed her belief in the wind industry and her concern for the people in the area, Kitchen shared her concerns about the lack of transparency in the process. Kitchen told Gill that many residents feel like they aren’t being kept informed about the potential impacts of the wind farms on their community.

Gill acknowledged that World Energy is still in the early stages of the project and doesn’t yet have many staff, but promised that a meeting would be held at some point to answer residents’ questions. She also assured Kitchen that nobody would lose their house to the wind turbines.

Kitchen was interested in the environmental aspects of the project and plans to monitor World Energy’s compliance with regulations. She also expressed disappointment that she didn’t have the opportunity to ask more questions during the meeting, such as about potential jobs for the community or waste disposal plans.

Despite Gill’s promises, residents are still concerned about the lack of information and communication from both World Energy and their local government. The Local Service District, which has been recognized as the governing body for the area for years, reportedly has “zero information” about the wind farm project.

As the wind industry continues to be a contentious issue in Bay St. George South, residents are calling for greater transparency and engagement with World Energy and their local government. They believe that by working together, they can secure a bright future for their community, regardless of the outcome of the wind farm project.
