Yellow lady's slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens)

Yellow lady’s slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens)

Residents of the Port Au Port Peninsula in Newfoundland and Labrador are receiving overwhelming support from the public as they face legal action from World Energy GH2, a company seeking to build 164 industrial wind turbines on their unceded Indigenous land. The project, known as Project Nujio’qonik GH2, would require the use of crown lands covering almost half of the peninsula, and has been met with fierce opposition due to concerns over its environmental impact and the threat to traditional hunting grounds.

World Energy GH2 initiated legal proceedings against peaceful protestors on February 10, 2023, prompting a call for donations to cover the legal expenses of those defending their right to peaceful assembly. As of February 28, 2023, donations have reached over $11,000, with Mainland heritage contributing $1,000 to the cause.

“We do not oppose green energy initiatives. However, we believe that this project will have catastrophic consequences for the forestry, wildlife, water supply, and traditional way of life in the area,” said a spokesperson for the community. “The community is highly concerned about the adverse effects on human health due to noise, shadow flicker, vibrations, light pollution from turbines, and substations. Furthermore, the project poses a significant threat to endangered plants and wildlife, including moose, eagles, and birds.”

The fundraising efforts aim to protect the Limestone Barrens, watersheds, and environment of the area for future generations. All contributions will be used for legal expenses to defend the community against World Energy GH2. Contributors will also be recognized as Land Protectors and have the option to have their names entered into a list of supporters that will be preserved for posterity.

The community hopes that their fight will raise awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and Indigenous rights. “Your support will go down in history, and future generations will be proud to read about the role you played in protecting this vital area,” said the spokesperson. “Anonymous donations are also accepted, and all donations are greatly appreciated.”